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Friendship Circle is proud to have one of the few Snoezelen Multi-Sensory rooms in California. It is a unique space for children and adults of all abilities to interact with an array of multi-sensory experiences. The Snoezelen is designed for people to seek, explore, and relax through touch, light, and sound. Users may benefit from calming effects, stimulation, socialization, improved focus, motor skills development, cognitive development, and sensory development. 

Developed in the 1970s by two Dutch therapists, the Dutch hybrid word — pronounced “snooze-a-lin” — directly translates as “sniffing and dozing” but in practice means something more like exploring and relaxing.

The most important part of the Snoezelen experience is not the equipment, but the control users have over it. Most treatment for people with disabilities involves helping them adjust to society’s rules and expectations, but in a Snoezelen Room, they get to create an environment tailored specifically to them.